GST Invoices

You can download monthly Invoice report for calculating your tax. Invoices will be released before 10th of every next month.

For example, August month's Invoice will be released before 10th of September. 

Follow these steps to download your GST invoices:

  1. Login to Instamojo Dashboard, click on the profile menu on top right corner.
  2. Click on GST Invoices in the menu to open the GST dashboard.profile-menu-gst-invoices.png
  3. Click on "Download" next to the month to download each GST invoice separately.gst-invoice-download-1.png
  4. If you want to download more than one invoices:
    - Optionally, use filters to narrow down the range (1 & 2)
    - Click on the select-all checkbox (3)
    - Click on "Download" link that appears next to the checkbox (4).

    The invoices will be generated in bulk and delivered to your registered email address.

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