Product Videos

Add videos to your products from your Instamojo dashboard. Currently, you can only add Youtube videos to your products. Any other third-party videos like Vimeo videos are not supported by Instamojo.

Product videos are available only for the main products. You cannot add videos for variant products.  

The Product video feature is available only on Growth subscription plans. Each product can have one product video. The Product video feature is available on the web and mobile view.  

Product videos will be visible to your buyers on the store product pages. Buyers can view, pause, play, mute, and rewind the video. 

To use this feature you will need to add the youtube Url of the video in the dashboard. You can do this by going to dashboard > Add a store product > Product video > Turn on the Video feature>  Add the Url.


Merchant POV


Step 1: Add a new store product 




Step 2: Enable the Don’t add toggle button.




Step 3: Add the YouTube URL




Step 4: Save the product


Buyer POV

The video will be shown on the product pages as shown below.



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