How to sell products online?

This article will help you to understand how to start an online store & how to sell products online using Instamojo.

How to create an online store?

Once you login into your Instamojo Dashboard, it is very easy to create your own online store and add products to the same. The below content will help you to understand how to create product links and how to sell online.

What is a Product Link?

Products are a part of your online store. They appear in your online store as cards. When you click on “Add product”, it creates a new Product link that stores all the information you provide about what you are trying to sell. When someone clicks on this link, they can make an immediate online payment to you to place an order for that particular product.

Each Product link you create on Instamojo reflects as a product on your online store.

You can create four different types of product links based on your requirement:


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